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It’s Commercial (Ron Zollweg)

  • Difficulty: EASY
  • Category: CLOSE-UP MAGIC
  • Product Type: BOOK

Subtitled as “The Practical Magic Of Ron Fredrick” (Ron Fredrick was Ron Zollweg’s stage name) the booklet was used by Ron as his lecture notes for many years and during that time he performed and explained every one of these routines. Two of the routines were actually released as separate items (Bottoms Out and A Routine For Royden’s Fantastic) before becoming part of this booklet.

From my perspective his “3 Card Cut-Out” is something everyone who Emcees Shows should play with. It is a card trick that can play in the largest theaters where three cards are selected and then revealed by cutting through a sheet of newspaper… and there are no gimmicks or preparations involved. All you need is a deck of cards and a sheet of paper.

Routines include: Cigarrette From Nowhere, The Burned Bill, Bottoms Out, 3 Card Cut-Out, The Ron Fredrick Wine Glass Production, The Transylvania Vampire, The Broken And Restored Ring, The Coins Across, A Routine For Royden’s Fantastic, and Cards To Cigarette.

First Edition. Published by Unikorn Magik in 1986. 40-pages with many illustrations, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, saddle-stitched. Pages have minor yellowing from age. Limited quantity.

Media Type Shipped Product

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