Wake-Up Callz
- Difficulty: N/A
- Category: MOVIE
- Product Type: DVD
- BONUS: A FREE Kreskin Collectible.
- BONUS: Limited Time Introductory Sale Price.
Wake-Up Callz is a low budget Science Fiction movie about aliens stealing earthling’s thoughts and memories. It also stars The Amazing Kreskin, as Doctor Dream. The IMDB rates it at 4.7 out of 10 stars, Amazon rates it as 4 out of 5 stars.
The official description: When an evil entity disguised as a comet approaches Earth with the intent of uploading human memories that were stolen through video games, an agent from Allspace arrives to awaken a team of alien hybrid freedom fighters. Aided by Doctor Dream (The Amazing Kreskin), Kristaya Turner must abort the upload, and stop the Total Takeover of Earth by the Neural Nebula Network, before it's too late...
A TV Guide description: An ambitious, low-budget science fiction opus, director Scott Kunkle's Wake-Up Callz concerns a malevolent cosmic force disguised as a comet, and its efforts to shroud the world in darkness. At the same time the comet approaches Earth, infertile females are implanted with alien DNA that is programmed to activate at a predetermined time. Flash forward a few years, when human resistance leader Kristaya Turner seeks the aid of Doctor Dream in keeping our memories from being stolen and sold to the highest intergalactic bidder. When the Collector arrives during a period of worldwide chaos, the entire computer infrastructure of the planet collapses. Should Memcorr succeed in uploading our memories into the Comet Consciousness, it will mean the end of humanity. Fortunately for all of mankind, Kristaya is determined to prevent that from happening - even if it means sacrificing her own life in the process.
Produced and released on DVD in 2007 by Telligys. Released on streaming on Aug 22, 2016. Running time 93-minutes, written by Adrian Horodecky, directed by Scott Kunkle. Starring The Amzazing Kreskin, Danielle Ciardi, Michael Citriniti, Michael Citriniti... Limited quantity.
With every purchase of this DVD you will get a collectible postcard of The Amazing Kreskin. This is an original black and white postcard that he sent to his fans in the 1970s (?). It is a very early picture with a printed signature. The back of the card says, “KRESKIN, Internationally Known Mentalist, STAR OF “The Amazing World of Kreskin." The overall size is around 4.5” x 6.5”. This came from Kreskin's personal archives and might be worth more than the DVD.
Media Type | Shipped Product |
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