Top 10 Lecture Notes (Dan Garrett)
- Difficulty: INTERMEDIATE
- Category: CLOSE-UP MAGIC
- Product Type: BOOK
- BONUS: Limited Time Introductory Sale Price.
These are the lecture notes that Dan sold during one of his final lecture tours. The notes feature ten of his favorite routines. Routines that you likely saw him perform throughout his career.
►Pin-Demonium: Two three-inch metal safety pins mysteriously link and unlink. The pins are constantly being handled by the spectators.
►Four For Spot: An impromptu “Four-Card Repeat” with and deck of cards. At the end only one card remains… a four spot.
►Faustus Ring: A borrowed ring penetrates through a length of cotton rope. As a finale the ring penetrates onto the center of the rope under impossible conditions. No gimmicks or duplicate rings. Completely impromptu.
►One-Hand Swivel (O.H.S.) Card Change: A one hand card change where you can change the front, back, or both.
►The Underhanded Overhand Shuffle: A false overhand shuffle which retains the entire order of the deck.
►The Mouse That Roared: A realistic mouse puppet runs up and down your arm, eats out of your hands, and much more.
►Professor’s Daydream: Three ropes of varying lengths gradually change sizes to become three equal ropes. They gradually transform back to their original lengths, then become identical again. The three equal ropes are tied together end for end and again transform to original lengths. As a finalé, the unequal ropes magically change their order while tied together. Ropes are untied and passed for examination.
►Full Circle Ring Display Move: A psychological display of the entire circumference of a “key” ring while hiding the gap from the audience. The sequences can be added to any linking ring routine.
►The Undercover Coin: A playing card is placed on the table surrounded by four coins. Each coin is clearly displayed and placed in the performer’s hand. One of the coins vanishes without a trace and is discovered under the playing card.
►The Force Of Numerology: An impromptu book test with a borrowed book. You take out a small business card wallet and display a column of handwritten numbers on the back of a business card. After a brief discussion of "fortune telling" and "numerology," you take out a slip of paper and begin writing a prediction on it. You hand the prediction to someone for safekeeping. The small column of numbers is added, and the total provides a page number. The page is looked up, and the first or last word on the page is read. The prediction is read, which perfectly describes in general terms the exact word found in the book.
First Edition. Published by Dan Garrett in 1996. 20-pages, 5.5”x8.5”, saddle-stitched. Also available in Spanish. A Meir Yedid Magic Product.
Media Type | Shipped Product |
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