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Sleeper (Eoin O'Hare)

  • Difficulty: EASY
  • Category: CARD MAGIC
  • Product Type: MAGIC TRICK

This is an excellent gimmick that can be added to your ordinary deck of cards to make a selected card rise out of it. What makes this gimmick special is that it is the thickness of three playing cards and once the selected card is returned into the gimmick it can be locked in place so you can shuffle and handle the deck before making the card rise in your hand.

The basic routine is to have a card selected, signed, and returned to the deck. You can then give the deck a shuffle and then have the card rise out of the deck in any speed you like. You can even have the card rise in the spectator’s hand.

Comes with a custom-made gimmick (Red Bicycle back) and access to an online video tutorial by Blake Vogt. Manufactured by Theory11.

Media Type Shipped Product

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