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Zodiac Coin (Richard Micucci)

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  • Difficulty: EASY
  • Category: MENTAL MAGIC
  • Product Type: MAGIC TRICK

This is an excellent and self-working routine where you apparently read a spectator’s mind by telling them what Zodiac symbol they are thinking of and predict what card they were going to select.

The basic routine (without the procedure) is of having a spectator think of a Zodiac symbol and its number. You then reveal the symbol and show that you predicted the card at the thought-of number.

It is based on the old clock principle which is disguised within the Zodiac revelation and display.

Comes with a beautiful three-inch medallion with all the Zodiac signs and numbers, a cloth carrying pouch, a dry erase marker, and written instructions. Use your own deck.

Media Type Shipped Product

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Customer Reviews

  • It’s absolutely an amazing prop using an old concept.

    5 Stars

    I have looked a very long time for a zodiac disk effect exactly like this. It’s absolutely an amazing prop using an old concept. I treasure this rare find! Thank you so much for offering this outstanding effect!

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  • 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    Highly recommended.

    5 Stars

    This large coin which is more like the size of a medallion is beautifully made. The effect is a very clever one based upon an old principle. Highly recommended.

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