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Vegas SvenPad® Routine (Meir Yedid, Brett Barry)

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  • Difficulty: EASY
  • Category: MENTAL MAGIC
  • Product Type: MAGIC TRICK
  • BONUS: FREE instructions with Meir's routine.

This is a Las Vegas themed SvenPad® that is made to look identical to the ones you find sold at most gift shops in Las Vegas. Like all SvenPads it is ingeniously constructed to force anything you like.

If you watch the trailer you will see Meir demonstrate his basic routine. It fits this edition of the SvenPad® like a glove. In addition to the Vegas SvenPad® you will also get a bonus instructional sheet with Meir’s routine. You will need to supply your own poker chip, which can be easily found on eBay.

But you are not restricted to Meir’s routine you can fill the pad with anything you like (Vegas restaurants, poker rooms, slot machines, etc…) and the prediction/souvenir can also be anything you like (matchbook, pen, ashtray, bar napkin, etc…).

This is a limited edition, so we are not sure how long we will be able to offer it. If you can visualize yourself doing this routine, we recommend buying several so you can repeat it with different outcomes.

The Vegas SvenPad® is three inches wide and five inches long. The binding is a combination of secret glue and a fancy spiral. Also comes with a link to many other applications, routines and techniques.

NOTE: These are original SvenPads®.  The popularity of these ingeniously constructed pads has created an entire industry of inferior knockoffs that are cheaply produced and will not work 100% of the time. Get the original

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