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Pattern Glorpy

  • Black (Out of Stock)
  • Blue (Out of Stock)
  • Red (Out of Stock)
  • Difficulty: EASY
  • Category: CLOSE-UP MAGIC
  • Product Type: MAGIC TRICK

Glorpy: The Gerkulating Ghost released by Madblood Creations (Bill Madden and Bernie Trueblood) has become a classic of magic. Many variants have been released since then like the popular Haunted Hank.

This version is based on the original and uses specially made and gimmicked pattern handkerchiefs as pictured.

The basic routine involves you folding the handkerchief into quarters and in a ghostly manner the center of the silk begins to move and rise on your command.

A Warehouse Find: Unknown manufacturer. Comes with one gimmicked handkerchief (17-inch x 17-inch) plus basic written instructions. Limited availability.

Available in six colors: Black, Blue, Orange, Green, Purple, and Red… as pictured. Please pick the colors you want when ordering.

Media Type Shipped Product

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