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Parallax (Max Maven)

  • Difficulty: N/A
  • Category: GENERAL MAGIC
  • Product Type: MAGIC BOOK

"You have found magic. Now, what are you going to do with it?"

So, muses Max Maven in the pages of Parallax, a collection of 61 influential, thought-provoking, and oftentimes controversial essays he contributed to MAGIC magazine from September 1991 to August 1996.

Rich with commentary, observations, and caustic editorializing, all composed in in a tone both rich and distinct, these essays have finally been collected in a single volume.

There are very few collections of essays in the world of magic, and fewer still that are as pointed or as relevant to those who consider themselves a genuine student of the art. Nor are there many examples of writing as deeply serious and simultaneously laugh-out-loud funny.

First Edition. Written by Max Maven. Published by Squash Publishing in 2023. 208-pages, 6”x 9", hardcover. Introduction by Stephen Minch.

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