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The Magic Graveyard (Al The Only)

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  • Difficulty: N/A
  • Category: HISTORICAL
  • Product Type: BOOK

Every one of our copies has been hand-autographed by Al The Only.

This wonderfully entertaining book revolves around the many magicians who are buried at the Lakeside Cemetery in Colon, Michigan.

Everyone of them is profiled in the book but these are not obituaries, they are tributes which feature so much inside information about their lives and characters. The stories often reveal funny anecdotes which are not found anywhere else.

Some of the magicians profiled include: Harry Blackstone (both of them, and their families), Skippy LaMore, Jack Gwynne, Duke Stern, Bill Baird, Monk Watson, Karrell Fox, Don Alan, Ricki Dunn, John Booth, Hank Moorehouse, Phil Willmarth, Tom Mullica, Denny Haney, Johnny Thompson, and many others.

You are also treated with essays by Gabe Fajuri, Johnny Thompson, Norm Nielsen, Karrell Fox, Tom Mullica, and Al The Only.

Published by Magical Presentations Inc. in 2020 (This is officially the 2019 Revised Edition). Written by Al The Only, foreword by Gay Blackstone. 432-pages, 270+photos, Softcover. All our copies were had-autographed by the author.

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