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Geoff Latta: The Long Goodbye

  • Difficulty: INTERMEDIATE
  • Category: MONEY MAGIC
  • Product Type: BOOK

Geoff Latta was one of the coin magicians who re-popularized and pushed the art of coin magic forward during a time when card magic was dominant. His underground reputation began in the 1970s and came to fruition in the 1980s, when a selection of his early work was featured in Richard Kaufman’s, CoinMagic. His reputation has continued to grow and, years after his premature death, it has not waned.

The Long Goodbye presents all of Geoff Latta’s known coin magic, published and unpublished. It is a record of brilliant innovation that coin-magic aficionados will be absorbing, mastering and emulating for years to come. You will learn 48 of his routines and more than 25 sleights.

But more than magic, this book also focuses on the subtle construction, psychology and choreography that were the hallmark of Geoff’s magic.

Written by Stephen Minch and Stephen Hobbs. Published by Penguin Magic in 2017. 344-pages, 720+ photographs, 10.25”x6.5”, hardcover with dustjacket. Includes a bonus DVD with Geoff performing some of his routines.

"Geoff was a wonderful sleight-of-hand performer with coins and cards. He was creative and technically brilliant. His execution of the Retention of Vision Vanish, as well as the Diagonal Palm Shift and the Classic Pass were as good as I've ever seen. The construction of his routines is a testament to his ingenious way of thinking about magic. I only wish you could have seen him perform in person. He was an artist." …David Roth

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